Sunday, February 13, 2011

Whatever is lovely...

So, part of the reason Erika and I (Rach)  made this blog was to inspire and motivate the world, but even more specifically--to count one's blessings. I know on a personal level my life has turned out much different that I anticipated it to be post-grad. I pictured myself living on a spiritual high in the Scottish highlands for 14 months, meeting hoards of Catholics in my remote retreat house, where I'd inevitably figure it all out in my year of solitude. But 2 months later, I'm back in my with my parents, without work or health insurance. Dissatisfied and feeling jipped, I scrambled to find another adventure to satisfy--so I "tried Wyoming." The ranch life. But that wasn't what God wanted... God brought me back to Nebraska again, to the "School of Surrender." In 4 months, I have been in Scotland, Croatia, Bosnia, Czech Republic, to Wyoming looking for my place, only to find myself back in the home of my parents with nothing to show for my travels, but a confused heart.  I have found I must learn to surrender and accept. That's the key...accepting what you have, but on a higher level, being grateful for everything. Bad days. Good days. There is beauty in all because life is worth living.

1. Making tea bread with my mom today. Even though I may not realize it now, in 25 years I will relish all the times my mom and I probably drove eachother crazy cooking at the same time in our wee kitchen.
2. The adorable baby in front of me at Mass this morning. Her eyes were HUGE and she looked like a deer in headlights with her mouth open. I couldn't stop laughing.
3. I made a really good salad for lunch (food themes will be prominent in my lists): spinach, salami, mozarella, sesame seeds and a homemade dressing ala Jamie Oliver: 10 tbsp olive oil, 3 tbsp lemon juice, S&P, shake up in a jam can.
4. I went on a lovely walk with my mom on the Antelope Park trail. (not sure of the name) The weather is miraculous (65 F!) and our conversation was happy.
5. I decided to lounge and watch TV (which i always feel guilty about) and found P.S. I Love You on the Lifetime Channel! (which is weird b/c i was just thinking about this movie and how i want to watch it) AND, Enchanted, another great movie was on Fox Family--I flipped between both. I'm sorry, but James Marsden running around in a Prince Charming costume amuses me to no end.
6. Having a great conversation with my friend, Val. Talking to Val is as refreshing as mojito fro-yo. She's real, she gets me, and she has the best advice. I love you Valentina! (Hey your holiday is tomorrow! Hahaha)
7. My mom's chocolate cake. It's so good I can't even begin...secret ingredients: coffee and cinnamon.
8. Listening to Baba Yetu by Christopher Tin.
9. Reading my bible by candlelight (whilst feeling depressed) and the first thing I read was Phillipians 4:8 "Finally, brothers; whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is GRACIOUS, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." This verse has been popping into my head, and I know why now. God wants us to focus on the good, the lovely, the helps us to march onward or as St. Paul says, "forgetting what lies behind but straining forward to what lies ahead," which is Heaven--the mecca of all that is good.
10. Maybe, this blog. It gives me new vision...perhaps this wasn't such a bad day after all. :)

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