Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Ahh the Lazy Blogger

 Wooop! Erika here. So, today I had no time to do anything that "I" wanted as I had 4 hours of class and 7 hours of work back-to-back. That means today's list will be a bit more challenging, but that's the whole point of this, right? To challenge myself to see the beauty and the things I should be grateful for amidst the rush and chaos of most of my days. This pic is from Pioneer's Park, depicting #10 on today's gratitude list!

1.) Finally responding to a long list of people whose sweet messages I have been feeling too overwhelmed to respond to...I am so grateful that I have so many unique, brilliant and beautiful people in my life!
2.) Dinner with Anna Adams on my break + Thai curry soup! Succcuullleennntt!!
3.) My new organic lilac shampoo that was only $5 for the hugest bottle I've ever seen. It has been leaving my hair frizz and chemical free!
4.) Watching some ditsy girl step in dog that rude to put that on my gratitude list? It was funny and one of few things that really made me laugh today!
5.) I am grateful for anything that makes me laugh. Another prime example from today would be a conversation that took place in my Spanish 312 class.
 Boy 1: "Yeah, I'm from Guatemala. My family moved here when I was about 12."
Boy 2: "Oh, that's awesome! D'you like speak Guatemalan then?" 
Boy 1: "Uh...I speak Spanish?"
Me: In so much shock that someone—let alone someone who's a Spanish major—could actually ask that question that I couldn't even laugh.
 6.) The peace God has given me these past few weeks despite some dire circumstances.
7.) Although it stresses me, I am very blessed to be going to college, and I am even more blessed to be studying something that I truly love and believe in. I hate homework, but I love everything I learn, and I love all of my classes. That is definitely something to be grateful for! 
8.) And yes, working sucks, too. But I also have the best job in the world that allows me to get paid, see my friends and also oftentimes get some homework done as well. That is awesome.
9.) Finally buying deodorant after going 2 days without! Bleck!
10.) The simplicity and tranquility that exists in Nebraska. I complain about being here when I am here and my heart always seems to be struck with wanderlust, but c''s so cheesy, but I truly believe Nebraska is The Good Life. 

This list is compilation of my (Rachael's) top ten for the past few days...
1. Going to 9 Street Chargrill with my parents on Valentines Day. I was happy to see that no one I knew was out to eat with their significant other there. After getting over the fact I was out to eat with my parents on such a day, I firmly relished the free dinner of Portabella Mushroom Pasta with helpings of my father's orange glazed duck.
2. Good moods. They hit you like a newspaper on a dewy morning. I really didn't know where it came from, but I was in the BEST mood on Monday. Maybe it was Valentine's Day...all the love in the air. I had my first day of job training, and I felt a peace the rest of the day. Even my dad noticed and said "So, are you more happy with everything now?"
3. Providence and His mysterious ways. A random conversation with a guy (that looked/acted like my ex-boyfriend) helped me to see how much God uses us if we're open to being out of our zone of comfort.
4. Walks on my beloved Antelope Creek Trail. (I really need to figure out the name of it) The birds were chirping away and the sunshine was melting away my winter blues.
5. Scrubbing a bright red Washington apple, then taking a knife and scraping the wax off of it. I kid you not, best apple I've had in ages, especially dunked in my milky, cinnamon infested oatmeal.
6. A quote..."There is only one journey. Going inside yourself." -Rainer Maria Rilker. So often, we try to fill our life with pleasures, but truly peace can only come when we pray in silence and meet the person inside us: God.
7. My dad buying me Merci European chocolate on Valentines Day.
8. Washing my hair with Open Harvest's baking soda. My hair is getting wavier!
9. Praying for family and friends: I have a novena for every saint and I know how to use them!
10. Laying in bed for a half hour this morning contemplating my bizzar-o, vivid dreams: Cate Blanchett transforming into a round ball that rolls down stairs, soaring through the sky with a hanglider only to land on a mound of snow in front of a mountain range which led to being trapped inside a steel shed maze with Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, and Michael Jackson--we had a dance-off.
11. Another weird dream I had that I cannot get off my mind (Tues. morning): There was a woman, and she had a baby whom she was protecting. There was a team of vampires (or something like that) who wanted to kill her and her baby. This woman was running from them with her baby, when she meets a young man who vows to protect her. He, a seminarian, and the rest of the men in seminary, go with her and watch over her. The strangest part was the woman, because there was a computer somewhere with all her information in it: hair color, weight, size, nationality. Someone hacked into the computer and changed her nationality to Russian, so she suddenly changed in appearence! She looked the same, but more...Russian? She was unlike anyone I'd seen before: very thick brown eyebrows, electric blue eyes, and a strange face. She was beautiful, but in an extreme way. It weirded me out (as you can see!) and I think it made me think about how God makes us. How, say if I was born in Poland, how I would look compared to now, or if even one feature was changed, how different it would all be. And, how God has to be so creative inventing so many different appearences. Wow. Longest post ever.

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